Wednesday, December 2, 2015


We did a lab the other day to test the reactions between different chemicals. There were three liquids we mixed with solid to test if they had a chemical reaction or not. The solids were silver, copper, calcium magnesium, lead, and zinc. The liquids were water, copper (II) sulfate, and silver nitrate.  Calcium reacted with every liquid and was very active.


  1. Calcium's reactions were very active and usual instant. Some of the colors and smoke was pretty cool

  2. I thought the reactions were pretty interesting. I liked seeing what calcium would do due to its high reactivity.

  3. I thought the lab was interesting and fun, the part where we had to write the formulas was not too hard either.

  4. I thought it was neat to do the stoichiometry calculations for this lab off of a reaction we actually did, not just a random one like we usually do.
